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Amazing Honey Garlic Carrots To Boost Your Eye Health

I hope you're in the mood for some cooking today because I have a fantastic recipe that is sure to get your mouth watering. Carrots are one of the best and most well-known eye-boosting foods out there, so it's important that you are eating some each and every day.

The good news, too, is that carrots are fast and easy to prepare, and since they also taste great raw, there's no excuse for not getting them into your menu.

With a recipe like the following, you'll be making them time and time again.

This recipe calls for grass-fed butter, which is actually a very healthy source of fats and can help normalize the levels of sex hormones in the body while strengthening your immune system.

It also calls for garlic, which is a very powerful herb that can boost your immune system, combat heart-health problems, and help keep your brain sharp, as well as honey, which is another natural immune booster.

Put these all together and you have a delicious side dish that works with just about any meal. Here's how to prepare it.

Honey Garlic Carrots


  • — 3 cups carrots, washed, peeled, and cut into strips
  • — 1/3 cup grass-fed butter
  • — 2 tbsp. organic honey
  • — 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • — salt and pepper to taste
  • — chopped parsley for garnish


  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F and then grease a large baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
  • Place the butter in a skillet over medium heat and let it melt.
  • Next, stir in the honey and garlic and cook for about 30 seconds or until honey is evenly mixed in.
  • Add the carrots and then stir.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Move this into the baking dish, top with parsley, and then roast in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until carrots are soft.