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Yes, Ginkgo Biloba is Right for You!

Ginkgo biloba. You've probably heard about it for years, but maybe you've not taken the time to learn what it is or, more importantly, what it can do.

What Ginkgo Biloba IS

Ginkgo biloba is an antioxidant-rich supplement derived from the ginkgo tree. It has long been used to treat memory issues and blood disorders. Most supplements on the market are derived from the leaves of this tree, though traditional Chinese medicine also commonly uses the seeds as well.

What Ginkgo Biloba DOES

The benefits of this supplement are numerous. It's loaded with flavonoids and terpenoids—antioxidants that neutralize free radicals (toxins) in your body. These toxins damage cells on the DNA level. So, having fewer toxins has two major benefits:


Increased circulation

This means oxygen-rich blood is more easily available to your body and brain.


Reduced inflammation

This means virtually every negative health issue can be improved.

Having the ability to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation makes Ginkgo biloba an ideal supplement for seniors. It fights many of the symptoms that accompany aging. In fact, the nutritional benefits can:

— Lower blood pressure

Ginkgo improves the levels of nitric oxide in your bloodstream. Nitric oxide dilates your blood vessels, which improves your circulation.

— Support vision and eye health

Ginkgo biloba keeps your blood flow more consistent, so your intraocular eye pressure stays lower. Your vision stays sharper and your risk of diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy are reduced.

— Lessen the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and COPD.

The anti-inflammatory compounds in Ginkgo biloba allow for increased lung capacity, allowing you to breathe easier and deeper.

— Reduce the frequency and severity of headaches, including migraines

Because of its antioxidant properties, Ginkgo biloba may be useful in preventing and treating headaches and migraines related to stress or constricted blood vessels.

— Treat anxiety and depression

Studies show that people who take 480 mg of Ginkgo biloba on a daily basis reduce their symptoms of anxiety and depression by 45 percent.

— Improve brain function and the symptoms of dementia

Ginkgo biloba is not a "cure-all" for dementia or Alzheimer's, but research shows that regular intake can enhance cognitive processes in people of every age, including those suffering from forms of dementia.

— Give you better sleep

Taking 250 mg of Ginkgo biloba an hour before bedtime reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and enhances the quality of sleep. Studies noted better sleep patterns and a reduction in "wake up" times during the night.

— Improve erectile dysfunction

The increased blood flow and anti-inflammatory properties of Ginkgo biloba help with sexual function—better blood flow means better function.

— Treat tinnitus (ringing in your ears)

Tinnitus caused by ischemia (inadequate blood flow) can be helped by Ginkgo Biloba's circulation benefits.

— Help with insulin resistance

Ginkgo biloba increases pancreatic beta-cell function, which improves insulin resistance in people with type-2 diabetes.

— Lower your risk of stroke

The circulation benefits of Ginkgo biloba may prevent stroke. And studies show that stroke patients treated with Ginkgo biloba extract regained more neurological function than those who were not.

So, the antioxidant properties of Ginkgo biloba improve circulation and reduce inflammation. These can make a significant difference in your health. If you suffer from any of the above issues, consider adding it as a supplement to your overall nutrition.