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Charcuterie Boards as a Healthy, Daily Option

Charcuterie boards are the rage when it comes to entertaining. And for good reason—they're quick to assemble, appropriate for almost any occasion or season, crowd-pleasing, kid-friendly, and delicious!

Charcuterie boards are also very versatile. Sure, they're ideal for parties, but they can also make nutritious, everyday meals.

Rather than a quick drive-thru burger for lunch or ordering a pizza for dinner, try creating your own "mini" charcuterie board instead. They are fun to eat and add nutritional perks to your day with minimal effort!

Personal charcuterie boards are:


Simple to prepare.

Nothing to be cooked. Simply grab a few "nibbles", arrange them, and enjoy.


Fun to eat.

A variety of "nibbles" makes your meal feel like an event. You are less likely to eat mindlessly and more likely to savor the moment.


Filled with crunchy foods.

You eat slower, fill up faster—beneficial for your digestion and weight.


Loaded with nutrients.

You can easily acquire most of your daily vitamins, fiber, protein, and Omega-3s from this one meal alone.

Ingredients for a Healthy
Mini-Charcuterie Board

— Meats

Opt for meat versions with no nitrates—salami, prosciutto, pepperoni, turkey or chicken. Occasionally consider smoked fish or jerky. One ounce of meat will average 7 g of protein.

— Cheeses

Fruits are a sweet and rewarding addition to your mini charcuterie. One serving of fresh fruit can knock out a large percentage of your daily vitamins and minerals.

— Veggies

No need to be sparing with vegetables. Use them raw and include a variety of colors. Broccoli crowns or stalks, carrots, slices of bell peppers, radishes, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, celery sticks, even brussels sprouts or beets. One cup of raw veggies will give you 5-8 g of your daily fiber and loads of other nutrients.

— Seeds and Nuts

From almonds to sunflower seeds, these add a nice crunch to your lunch. Best to opt for a 1-ounce serving of unsalted, raw seeds and nuts and enjoy the benefits of protein, fiber, and Omega-3s.

— Grains

Skip the grains most of the time. When you do include them, go for high-fiber, whole-grain crackers.

— Pickled or Brined Foods

Olives, pickles, pickled mushrooms or peppers, or marinated artichokes spice up your personal charcuterie. Because of their high sodium content, keep to a small serving size.

— Spreads and Dips

The addition of simple fruit spreads, spicy mustard, Greek yogurt, hummus, bean dip, or guacamole adds an interesting layer to your meal while keeping it healthy.

Personal charcuterie boards can be an easy and healthy replacement for those heavy convenience meals. Including a variety of nutrient-rich foods in small servings is the key.

Remember that charcuterie boards are supposed to be fun. So, slice your ingredients into bite-sized portions, slices, and cubes. Arrange them in a way that's visually interesting. Whether you're preparing for several people or just for yourself, the presentation is what turns an average meal into an enjoyable event. Enjoy!